Lost? No probs! Browse through these tips to get what you want!

  1. How to download files?
    It's easy! Just click on the Read More button. A page will load with all the description and blah blah. Just beneath it, will be a Download button. Click on it. You will go to the download page. You may find all our sponsors advertisements there. If you like, you may visit those sites.

    Now, there will be multiple links on the download page. Click on LINK 1. You will go to the page. Wait for sometime and click download and viola! You got your APK!
    If LINK 1 doesn't work, try the 2nd link and so on.
    If any of the links is damaged, please comment there itself.

  2. Are the files really free?
    Yup, they are free and will always be!

  3. Can I Donate some money to you?
    Yes, we will shortly add a Donate button, and you can donate via PayPal. A little Donation of even  $5 will help us a lot. :)